Recognized as an exceptional advocate for more than three decades, Gerry DeSimone was the founder of DeSimone & Huxster, trying in excess of 100 lawsuits and arguing over 15 appeals, several of which resulted in changes to existing laws. First exposed to Alternative Dispute Resolution through the California Judicial Arbitration Program (later replaced by mediation in the early 1990s), Gerry has been a staunch advocate of risk evaluation and consideration of the alternatives to trial.
His relationship with the mediation process is both long and committed, with his combined time being dedicated to either representing parties in mediated disputes or serving as a Court appointed mediator several times per month. Gerry exchanged his position as an advocate and became a full time mediator in 2022. Gerry is an avid skier, an instrument rated pilot and former college football player. He enjoys spending time with his wife of 40 plus years, two sons and their spouses, and the “center of my universe” his grandson, Elijah.